Our About Us
About us at Rocky Top Puppies
Owners: Clement & Lois Brubacker, Liberty, KY - 606-303-4616

How it all started (Lois’ Viewpoint)
I grew up in a dairy farm in Central Pennsylvania. I always loved cows but was absolutely thrilled when I was given a female pug on my 17th birthday. I named her Tina. She had a litter of puppies a year and a half later. Ever since that day, my mom, siblings and I got hooked on raising pug puppies.
By the fall of 2016, I had another pet pug named “Lucky.” I made a decision to relocate in Kentucky to teach and that is where I met my husband-to-be. Due to boarding circumstances, Lucky had to stay at our farm in Pennsylvania. We sorely missed each other while I was teaching so when Clement and I exchanged wedding vows in May 2018, Lucky came to Kentucky. She was already pregnant at that time. Two weeks later, she had a litter of five puppies. We both enjoyed caring for them and decided to keep two females so there would be more puppies in the future.
We made a trip to Wooster, Ohio in November and became proud parents of the sweetest little black male pug named “Buckeye Butch.” He was house trained easily and became quite spoiled. He eventually got bored by our company and moved out to Lucky’s little girls where he could romp and play. It was a perfect timing because a couple of weeks later, we welcomed our firstborn son, Tristan.
That summer we saw a litter of puggles at a neighbor and instantly fell in love with their long, silky ears and docile temperament. So, when the opportunity arose to purchase a beagle, we jumped for it. Tristan loves holding the sweet little puggles, too!
Meet the Family
Clement, Louis, Tristan Jarell Brubacker and “Lucky Brubacker, our 8-year-old spoiled house dog. Tristan loves to say that I’m two, Lucky’s eight, and Daddy is twenty-eight. Tristan normally spends his hours playing with Lucky or simply hanging out with her wrapping blankets around both of them, reading books, building block towers together and sharing a pack of crackers. No wonder Lucky is obese! They also love strolling around and riding bike cart.
Where We Live
We live in a 15-acre farm in the scenic rolling hills of Liberty, Kentucky. We have a small business, Rocky Top Horseshoes” where we sell horseshoes, farrier supplies and do some leather work like belts, and bolsters. We also repair saddles and the best of all, we sell brightly colored leash and collars for puppies. Our leashes and collars are made from plastic bio-thane.
Clements’s mom and her two younger siblings live on the same property. His dad was actively involved in the business until his sudden passing in June 2020 due to heart attack.